Sept 14, 2019 | 12:30-4:00 PM | First Unitarian Church | 2125 Chestnut St.
Marty Harrison rank-and-file nurse on the closure of Hahnemann
Treasurer's Report Steering Committee ReportBernie Sanders Campaign Report
Kendra Brooks and Nicolas O’Rourke to answer questions from the membership.
Introduction to Rules by the Chair
Bylaws Amendment for Article XII, Section 2 Bylaws Amendment 2019:09:01To Establish A Temporary Green New Deal Strategy Committee Resolution 2019:09:01Endorse Kendra Brooks for City Council At-Large Resolution 2019:09:02Endorse Nicolas O’Rourke for City Council At-Large Resolution 2019:09:03
Report from National ConventionFundraising for Bernie Campaign
Authors: Eamon Caddigan, Sam Chenkin
Endorsements: Eamon Caddigan, Sam Chenkin, Adam Schlesinger, Ronald Joseph, Austin Binns, Jesse G Kudler, Anlin Wang, Jason Oscar, Dave Backer, Mitchell Broesder, Khalil Manns, Sophie Song, Samuel Schwartz, Henry Steinberg, Sarah Jones, Mark Blaho, Andrew Moskowitz, Garett Miller, Conor Geiger, Michele Rossi, Dan Kauder, William Markham, Mitch Chanin, Matt Chewning, Roncy, Daniel Parker, Shelly Ronen, Maxime Delafosse-Brown, Jason Linderman, Tarig Robinson, Bianca Adams, Sus Volz
Resolved that the following text be added to the end of Article XII, Section 2:
Consolidated and updated Standing Rules, Policies and Procedures of the Local will be maintained by the Communications Committee and made available to the membership through the organization's website. Additions and changes will be annotated with dates and links to any Originating materials.
Authors: Matt L, Jason L, Alex N, Mary M, David MCo-Sponsors: David S, Ben S, Bill S, Pearl M, Eric M, Melissa NWhereas, our current rate of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is an existential threat to humanity; and
Whereas, GHG emission rates must go negative this century to guarantee a liveable climate; and
Whereas, the transition to a zero-emissions economy, let alone a negative-emissions economy, is progressing at an inadequate pace because of the political clout of fossil fuel incumbents; and
Whereas, the monumental task of transitioning to a negative-emissions economy now requires a massive green jobs program that could employ millions of Americans; and
Whereas, the untapped power of organized labor is needed to win such a program; and
Whereas, a green jobs program that ensured a tighter labor market and transferred massive amounts of wealth from capitalists to workers would strengthen organized labor;
Therefore be it resolved, that Philadelphia DSA create a temporary committee to write a strategy document to guide campaign work around a local Green New Deal policy that prioritizes green jobs and working in coalition with organized labor; and
Be it further resolved, that the committee shall submit the strategy document for approval by Philly DSA’s general membership by the last General Meeting of 2019; and
Be it further resolved, that the strategy document’s recommendations emphasize how Green New Deal campaign work can be undertaken by the chapter’s existing committees; and
Be it further resolved, that the committee’s strategy document outline canvassing, legislative pressure, policy advocacy and other tactics for Philly DSA to utilize in advancing the Green New Deal in the Philadelphia area; and
Be it finally resolved, that the committee consist of Matt L (Chair), Jason L, David M, and Mary M, plus up to three additional members to be appointed by the co-Chairs of the chapter, in consultation with the chair of the committee, before the first meeting.
Authors: Ron Joseph, Austin Binns, Anlin Wang
Cosponsors: Michele Rossi, Seth Kulick
Whereas, the 2019 National DSA Convention voted to prioritize Democratic Socialist electoral efforts and prioritize class struggle elections that build working class power;
Whereas, the 2019 electoral cycle presents strategic opportunities for our Local to advance Democratic Socialist politics and program at the municipal level;
Whereas, the 2019 municipal elections present strategic opportunities to advance the democratic socialist agenda, in particular the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights, fully-funded public education, an end to the tax abatement, and a Green New Deal for Philadelphia;
Whereas, this election presents an historic opportunity to defeat incumbent Republicans in Philadelphia City Council who currently hold the at-large seats dedicated to minority parties;
Whereas, a victory by Kendra Brooks on the Working Families Party ballot line can help develop an independent working class political alternative to the Republican and Democratic party machines in Philadelphia;
Whereas, Kendra Brooks has a demonstrated record of activism in support of the values embodied by Philly DSA; and,
Whereas, Kendra Brooks’ answers to Philly DSA’s endorsement questionnaire demonstrate a commitment to advancing a legislative agenda in line with Philly DSA’s values;
Therefore be it resolved, that Philly DSA will endorse Kendra Brooks for the At-Large seats in the Philadelphia City Council;
Be it further resolved, that Philly DSA will support Kendra Brooks’ campaign through regular canvassing, phone and text banking, and media outreach.
Whereas, a victory by Nicolas O’Rourke on the Working Families Party ballot line can help develop an independent working class political alternative to the Republican and Democratic party machines in Philadelphia;
Whereas, Nicolas O’Rourke has a demonstrated record of activism in support of the values embodied by Philly DSA; and,
Whereas, Nicolas O’Rourke’s answers to Philly DSA’s endorsement questionnaire demonstrate a commitment to advancing a legislative agenda in line with Philly DSA’s values;
Therefore be it resolved, that Philly DSA will endorse Nicolas O’Rourke for the At-Large seat in the Philadelphia City Council;
Be it further resolved, that Philly DSA will support Nicolas O’Rourke’s campaign through regular canvassing, phone and text banking, and media outreach.
Online voting should be avoided and used only for noncontroversial matters that require a rapid response. When a decision is raised in committee for a vote online, members have at least 24 hours to respond. If during that time two or more members of the committee request via email to hold off on the vote pending further deliberation and/or online discussion, the online vote is null and void, even if a majority of the committee has already voted.
Each year and/or within three months of the committee’s establishment, the committee chair will meet with the chapter treasurer to discuss their anticipated budgetary needs. The treasurer will then deliberate with the steering committee, which will vote to determine the committee’s annual budget.
Isn’t it time to do something? Get involved with the Local.