November 2018 General Meeting


November 17, 2018 at 12:30pm - 4pm


First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia
2125 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States

Google map and directions

Please review the agenda and resolutions up for debate in the GM packet.

We will also be receiving our first terminal committee report from our outgoing Electoral Evaluation Committee. Please review the report on their work over the last election cycle and their recommendations for moving forward!

At General Meetings, the local assembles to hear reports from projects and committees, set local policy and work priorities, and to debate and vote on resolutions. The assembled membership is the ultimate decision-making body of the local, so participation is crucial.

The general meeting is open to all, but you must be a member in good standing (have paid national dues) in order to vote. Voting members are those who are on the the list provided by national DSA one week in advance of the meeting. Visit for more information on becoming a member (dues waivers are available).

Currently, quorum requirements stand at around 200 members. Please make every effort to attend so that we can vote, and encourage all other members that you know to join you!

Philly DSA is a membership organization, which means that all major decisions are made through resolutions, debate, and voting at General Meetings. All members are allowed to submit resolutions to be voted on at Philly DSA's General Meetings. These resolutions should be formatted as a standard motion such that the maker of the motion is asking members to vote up or down on a specific proposal. Resolution structure is outlined in the form linked here.

Resolutions should provide a clear statement of action that is within the purview of the general membership, and that does not conflict with the DSA national constitution or Philly DSA bylaws. If you are submitting a resolution, you must be prepared to speak in favor of your motion for no more than two minutes at the meeting. Keep in mind that we have a limited amount of time to debate and vote on each motion and some resolutions may be tabled due to time constraints. Please see our prior GM packets for examples of resolutions.

Resolution Timeline:

If you have any questions about writing and submitting a resolution, or would like help formulating your idea into a resolution, please reach out to the Resolutions Commission via [email protected], subject line RESO. Members can submit resolutions through the form linked above, or by emailing the resolution to [email protected].

Philly DSA provides childcare and other accommodations to facilitate the greatest possible member attendance and participation. If you have any accommodation or accessibility concerns, please contact [email protected].


Minutes from the prior (July) General Meeting:

2018.7.28 PHL DSA GM Minutes


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