Bulletin: We pick ourselves up and we go again

Two years of writing this Bulletin every other week, and this is undoubtedly the hardest one to start: Bernie Sanders has dropped out of the presidential race. In some other, more just universe, this email would be urging you to help get out the vote on April 28 for a primary that we had every chance of winning; in this universe, instead of the immediate possibility of a socialist taking executive power in the United States, we have a 15% unemployment rate and something called Zoom.

Two years of writing this Bulletin every other week, and this is undoubtedly the hardest one to start: Bernie Sanders has dropped out of the presidential race. In some other, more just universe, this email would be urging you to help get out the vote on April 28 for a primary that we had every chance of winning; in this universe, instead of the immediate possibility of a socialist taking executive power in the United States, we have a 15% unemployment rate and something called Zoom.

So, what happened? Where do we go next? What’s “Beyond Bernie”? 

For starters, there are too many “What Went Wrong for Bernie” articles coming out now, and most of them are garbage. If you’re looking for non-garbage, here’s a few pieces we’d recommend: the Jacobin panel with Adolph Reed Jr., Cedric Johnson, and Willie Legette on Bernie and the “black vote”; a newsletter by Sanders speechwriter David Sirota, republished here if you’re not subscribed; Dustin Guastella on the problems with a third-party Sanders run; and Connor Kilpatrick’s recent article, “We Lost the Battle, but We’ll Win the War,” which we highlighted in our emergency strategy meeting yesterday.

There are also immediate possibilities. Sanders and Pramila Jayapal introduced a bill to guarantee healthcare to all for as long as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, with the crisis providing a window for expanding Medicare to all. We’re running two strong insurgent candidates in state primaries, and they still need your help. We’re supporting organizing efforts through our Labor Commission and the DSLC, and we’re backing calls from unions like Teamsters Local 623 and politicians like Helen Gym to guarantee protections for essential workers and reopen Hahnemann Hospital.

We pick ourselves up and we go again. Electing Bernie was always going to be hard, and the campaigns we take on next are going to be hard, too. If getting Medicare for All was easy, then we’d have it already, especially with popular support at an all-time high as coronavirus destroys employer-based private insurance. Easy or not, we still need to do it. Right now it’s 100 percent necessary for us to gather all the post-Bernie groups into a single membership org, so stick around, renew your membership, invite a friend to a DSA event, and, most importantly, stay safe out there.

Primary Election Update

This week, we saw the importance of having committed democratic socialists in the Pennsylvania state legislature. Last Thursday, DSA member and endorsed candidate Elizabeth Fiedler sent a letter to Governor Wolf, signed by forty-some of her colleagues, urging for stronger protections for frontline workers; the following Wednesday, Governor Wolf issued an executive order guaranteeing those protections. Philly DSA thanks Rep. Fiedler for her leadership on this issue, & we’ll do everything we can to get her reelected.

But, she can’t reform the state government alone. In 2020, we need to send not only Liz Fiedler but also Rick Krajewski and Nikil Saval to Harrisburg. You can make a difference in these campaigns by phonebanking to identify supporters. Make sure to RSVP for a shift to get added to the virtual organizing group.

Endorsed Candidate Virtual Organizing Parties: Phonebank for Rick and Nikil

Saturday and Sunday, April 18-19 | Shifts available all day

This Week in Unions

Are you a union worker affected by the coronavirus crisis? Are you organizing in your shop or workplace to demand higher safety and sanitation standards? PHLDSA’s Labor Commission is convening a series of calls where representatives from unions in the greater Philadelphia area are discussing and coordinating responses. Email Paul Prescod for more information.

  • DSA and the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) have formed the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee (EWOC) to help workers organize for workplace closures, safety protocols, just compensation, and a union during the coronavirus crisis. Want to start a union to protect yourself and your coworkers but don’t know how? Fill out this form, and an organizer will get in touch.
  • A stunning 3,000 coronavirus related OSHA complaints have been filed. We’ll be hosting an event with Jacobin on Tony Mazzocchi and OSHA in the near future, so stay tuned for that.
  • Amber A'Lee Frost recently interviewed Matt Maini, a UPS worker and a member of Teamsters Local 251 in Rhode Island. Give it a listen to stay informed about working conditions in this incredibly strategic sector of the economy and what the Teamsters have won out there.


Phonebanking for Rick and Nikil

Saturday and Sunday, April 18-19 | Shifts available all day

Digital Drinks

Monday, April 20 | 6:00 - 8:00 pm | Zoom Info

Night School: Healthcare & Medicare for All

Tuesday, April 21 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm | Zoom Info

New Members Meeting

Wednesday, April 22 | 6:00 - 8:00 pm | Zoom Info

DSA Policy and Organizing Training

Thursday, April 23 | 6:00 - 7:30 pm | Zoom Info to Come

Phonebanking for Rick and Nikil

Saturday and Sunday, April 25-26 | Shifts available all day

Kahoot with Comrades

Tuesday April 28 | 6:00 - 8:00 pm | Virtual Trivia Party | Zoom Info

Marx Reading Group: Capital Vol. 1

Wednesday, April 29 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm | Zoom Info

Upcoming Committee Meetings & Branch Events

BuxMont DSA: April General Meeting

Saturday, April 18 | 1:00 - 3:00 pm | Zoom 

Policy Committee Meeting

Wednesday, April 22 | 6:30 - 8:00 pm | RSVP for Zoom Info


Support 👏 Philly 👏 DSA 👏!
Local Dues - support our campaign work and cover everyday operating costs like meeting space // Contribute to Philly DSA PAC - help fund our independent electoral campaigns // Accommodations, Accessibility, Childcare - let us know what you need to stay involved // Moved away from Philly? - update your address on the DSA national database.

Harassment and Grievance Process
In accordance with Article XIII of our Bylaws, a commission has been formed to receive, process, and review grievances for disciplinary action. To read more about the process or to file a grievance you can do so here.


Stay safe and wash your hands,

Philly DSA Bulletin Team





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