The Racial Justice Committee is looking for members to join the newly formed Community Action Working Group (CAWG)! The WG’s mission is to create political education and direct action-oriented events focusing on marginalized groups and topics including immigrant rights, decarceration, sex worker rights, LGBTQIA2S+ issues, and more.
Friend —The Racial Justice Committee is looking for members to join the newly formed Community Action Working Group (CAWG)! The WG’s mission is to create political education and direct action-oriented events focusing on marginalized groups and topics including immigrant rights, decarceration, sex worker rights, LGBTQIA2S+ issues, and more. The group will strategically support external organizations and citywide actions, and aims to create a space for discussion of issues that don’t yet have a home in Philly DSA!
The CAWG met and settled on trans rights as the first topic to explore and research at the local, state, and national level, with the goal of bringing together a panel to discuss our inseparable struggles in the fight toward liberation.
Please join the Slack channel #community-action-wg to follow along. Our next meeting is tomorrow, April 8th at 6pm. You can also contact [email protected] to get involved!
On another note, we’re still searching for new Harassment and Grievance Officers (HGOs)! Though grievance officers often receive just a few complaints a year, this is a critical position for the health of our chapter. Do you or does someone you know have experience with mediation and the ability to handle disputes in a confidential and impartial manner? If this sounds like you, please write to [email protected] with subject line “HGO,” a description of why you believe you'd be a good fit for this role, and any related experience and skills.
On the calendarUnless otherwise specified, all events are held via Zoom.
Upcoming Paul Prescod CanvassesWe have less than SIX WEEKS until the election, and every canvassing shift and conversation counts. Sign up below for one of this week’s canvasses:
Socialism 101: Myths of Socialism, April 9 at 4pmDiscuss and dispel common “Myths of Socialism” we’ve all encountered living in a capitalist society, like “socialism works in theory, but not in practice!”
April New Member Meeting, April 10 at 11amAn introduction to Philly DSA for new members and people thinking about joining the local. Learn the many ways you can be involved!
Green New Deal Commission Meeting, April 11 at 5:30pm, Rittenhouse Square Talk about our ongoing campaigns and learn how you can get involved.
Marxism Reading Group: Mao and the Chinese Revolution, April 13 at 7pmExplore Mao as a revolutionary thinker and discuss the global impact of Maoism.
We Own PGW Campaign Meeting. April 13 at 7pmJoin our weekly meeting! RSVP for the Zoom link.
View the full calendar.
Updates from the branches
Bucks Cancel Lunch Debt, April 11 at 7pmJoin the campaign to raise awareness of student lunch debt and organize to cancel it.
Anti-Privatization Meeting, April 12 at 7pmJoin a strategy session on stopping Aqua PA’s efforts to privatize sewer plants in the area.
Delco DSA Reading Group, tonight at 7:30pmRead about and discuss police issues, including community alternatives to policing.
Delco DSA General Meeting, April 20 at 7pmDiscuss campaigns and chapter business. All are welcome!
View all BuxMont events or all Delco events
This week in unions
To get involved: If you’re interested in supporting workers who want to organize, organizing your workplace, supporting workers and unions taking collective action, or in building relationships with rank and file union members and leaders, email [email protected].
In solidarity,
Philly DSA
“I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves.” - Che Guevara
Isn’t it time to do something? Get involved with the Local.