Bernie, Nikil Saval, and Elizabeth Fiedler Canvass


March 08, 2020 at 11:00am - 6pm


South Philly
1314 S Warnock St
Philadelphia, PA 19147
United States

Google map and directions

At our General Meeting on Saturday, Philly DSA voted to endorse two insurgent downballot candidates (Nikil Saval, PA State Senate, 1st District, comprising most of Center City and South Philly; and Rick Krajewski, PA State House, 188th District, which is most of West Philly south of Market) and to re-endorse sitting State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler in House District 184.

These endorsements, along with a greater focus on Pennsylvania by the official Sanders campaign, will affect the way we’ll be planning canvasses going forward. We’ll be running joint Bernie and downballot canvasses for Rick, Nikil, and Elizabeth every Saturday and Sunday through the April 28 primary. There’ll be multiple shifts available each and weekend and we know we’ll need every damn delegate we can get, so come on out!

Please bring a fully charged phone with the app MiniVAN installed.

RSVP and sign up for a shift below!


Jonah ·

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Sunday, March 8:

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