Capital Vol. 1 Reading Group (Session 4)


August 11, 2022 at 7:00pm - 9pm

Pages to read: Chapters 4-6 (Pages 247-283 of Penguin Edition)

A crisis has been brewing in the United States for over twenty years, punctuated by financial crises, political conflicts, military failings, violent outbursts, and civil unrest. Karl Marx’s Capital has reasserted itself as a fundamental resource to explain why our system has allowed the twin cruelties of inequality and injustice to persist for so long.

Philly DSA is revisiting Marx’s classic text, asking what it offers us as we work to better understand the world. Whether you’re curious about socialism or a long time reader of Marx, join us to explore the nature of capitalism and its alternative.

This event will be in person. Please bring along your vaccination cards and masks which will be required based on the location. If you don't have a mask we will provide one for you. Location provided upon RSVP.


Sanwal Yousaf ·

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