COVID-19 and the Federal Stimulus

The US has faced twin crises from COVID-19: the public health crisis and the economic crisis. How has the federal government responded? What could they still do to mitigate the crises?


July 06, 2020 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm



Zoom link

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Password: PHLDSA

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The US has faced twin crises from COVID-19: the public health crisis as the coronavirus spreads and hospitalizations surge, and the economic crisis as much of the working class faces either unsafe working conditions or unemployment. How has the federal government responded? What could they still do to mitigate the crises?

In this event, we will try to tackle those questions with focus on three areas. First, we will examine unemployment insurance and its history. Second, we will explore “automatic stabilizers," a policy mechanism to help bolster the welfare state through economic crises. Third, we will give a primer on the Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Pramila Jayapal in Congress.

Please join us for this lecture from the Policy Committee, followed by a Q&A!


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