October General Meeting


October 03, 2020 at 12:00pm - 3pm

At General Meetings we get together to hear reports from projects and committees, set local policy and work priorities, and to debate and vote on resolutions. The assembled membership is the ultimate decision-making body of the local, so participation is crucial. We'll be meeting online due to restrictions on large gatherings, and information on how to join will be published in the meeting agenda the week before the meeting.

Our guest speaker at the meeting will be author Thomas Frank, who will give a short talk followed by time for Q&A. Be sure to invite your friends!

Meeting Agenda

Dates & Deadlines: 

  • Deadline for General Meeting business submissions: 9/12
  • Draft Meeting Agenda published: 9/19
  • Amendments due: 9/23
  • Meeting Agenda published: 9/26


Will you come?

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