Virtual Home School: The World In Crisis

Join Philly DSA as we ask: can the Left win in an age of crisis?


June 30, 2020 at 7:00pm - 9pm



We live in an era of apparently permanent crisis, from the financial meltdown of 2008 to the global coronavirus pandemic, the recent explosion of protests against police brutality, and the largely unaddressed phenomenon of climate change.

This moment presents an opportunity for socialist politics and working-class organizing, but it also threatens to embolden a xenophobic far Right. Meanwhile, COVID-19 has further shown that crises can easily be used by elites to force through brutal economic restructuring–what Naomi Klein calls “the shock doctrine."

Join Philly DSA as we ask: can the Left win in an age of crisis?

Philly DSA Virtual Summer School

The US is in the midst of a political crisis. Yet, every day, more and more people come to the realization that the problems we face are systemic in nature. Will 2020 represent a new wave of defeats–or can we triumph over this era of instability?

Join Philly DSA this Summer for a Virtual Home School! Over three sessions, we’ll analyze the crises facing the United States; ask if we’ve entered a new post-neoliberal age; and debate whether or not socialists can continue to work within the Democratic Party in the post-Bernie moment.

Note: Sessions do not require registration or prior reading!


06/30 – The World in Crisis
07/14 – Is Neoliberalism Dead?
07/28 – Crashing the Party

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 978 5496 7812



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