Policy Committee Meeting

A regular meeting of the Philly DSA Policy Committee.


September 24, 2020 at 6:30pm - 8pm


Virtual (RSVP for info)

A regular meeting of the Philly DSA Policy Committee.

With an eye to supporting future socialist politicians in Pennsylvania and also building out our organizational capacity, at our November General Meeting we voted to establish an ad-hoc Policy Committee that will be charged with extending our electoral work by researching democratic-socialist policy, drafting policy recommendations for the Local to approve, and holding events on policy areas relevant to Philly DSA projects and potential candidates, like education, housing, and healthcare.

The Policy Committee Needs Your Help!

Do you have a socialist policy idea? Something to start a campaign in the chapter or support our ongoing work? Something that we need to put on Bernie Sanders' desk? At our November 2018 General Meeting, the local established a Policy Committee to research policy and present Philly DSA members with the opportunity to engage in discussions about the kinds of policies that we would like to see pursued at all levels of government. The Committee now has a form for members to submit these ideas and work with the Committee on a project. We will help you produce a pamphlet, white paper, or even model legislation!


This meeting will be held via Zoom; RSVP for information.


Jason ·

Will you come?

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